Three Yoga Poses for Kapha Season

The Kapha season begins at the end of January and continues through May. During this time we experience the shift from a dry cold winter to wet and heavy winter/spring. The earth and water elements are the most predominant during this season. Nature is nourishing the roots underneath the surface. It is a time to respect the slower pace, but also keep ourselves moving and engaged. Yoga practices that open the chest (where the Kapha energy resides) and build heat to move the stagnant energy are essential for this time of year.

Parivrtta Utkatasana (Twisted Chair pose)

  1. Start standing with big toes touching and heels slightly apart.

  2. Reach up to the sky, bend your knees and start to sit back into an invisible chair.

  3. Shift your weight into your heels and allow the toes to relax.

  4. Without changing your lower body, glide your hands to your heart center and twist to one side.

  5. Ensure your knees are connected and one isn’t pushing in front of the other.

  6. Press your hands together as you take a few deep breaths through the nose. Imagine rinsing your organs flushing them with new blood and releasing stagnant energy.

  7. Release to stand and switch sides.

  8. If pregnant find a gentle twist or maintain chair pose without any deep twisting.

    Benefits: This pose strengthens the lower body and simultaneously deeply twists the core with an open chest. The Kapha energy in the body is stimulated through the upper body twist.

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon pose)

  1. Many ways to enter this pose, but for this instruction we will start from a forward fold.

  2. Forward fold and relax head, neck and shoulders.

  3. Shift your weight into the right foot, reach your right hand forward about 12 inches and slowly lift your left leg while opening your hip.

  4. Your torso will turn open to the left as your left hip stacks on top of the right.

  5. Press firmly into your floating left leg.

  6. Shift the weight into your right heel and get lighter in the right finger tips.

  7. Think about expanding in all directions and send your energy out through your fingers and toes.

  8. If it works for your neck, look to the side or to your top arm.

  9. Hold for 5 breaths, forward fold and switch sides.

Benefits: This pose is great for balance, strengthening the spine, and opening the chest and shoulders. It creates space and opening across the heart where the Kapha energy resides.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

  1. This pose can create a lot of sensation and is best to approach in steps.

  2. Start laying on your belly and bend and straighten your legs a few times.

  3. Relax your legs and with your forehead slightly lifted off the ground swim your arms forward and back towards your feet.

  4. With your forehead on the ground and one at a time, reach your right hand for your right and gently pulse.

  5. Switch sides.

  6. If that feels ok in your lower back and shoulders, then try with your forehead down to reach both arms back and grab both ankles.

  7. Slowly press your feet into your hands - this will naturally peel your chest away from the mat.

  8. Gaze slightly forward and up, continue breathing.

  9. Hold for a few breaths and relax everything down.

Benefits: Bow pose is a deep heart opener and back bend. The posture creates a huge amount of space across the chest/lungs and opening in the shoulders. Deep penetrating breaths can create an invigorating energy.


Inside The Kapha 2024 Wellness Box